
Showing posts from November, 2020
Hello world, from Song and Story World . Dave Corbett here ... ex-teacher and ex-professional musician/composer of music for children. 75 years old, retired, and wanting to share some of my music with anyone who cares to listen. I have had published over 20 Christmas musicals for primary schools, nativity and Santa, which are on sale at  You might like to have a listen sometime. This blog though, is very much an experiment, perhaps it will become a hobby, who knows. I am very new to blogging, and not really sure how it works, so please bear with me The first person to reply to this blog should probably get a prize, but I'm afraid they won't! Meany. Anyway I have also started a podcast ... blog and podcast just today. There is nothing on the podcast yet, but there will be very soon. Songs and stories, funnily enough, for children, The ages will vary, but all primary school. The first few I will be publishing are about AESOP'S FABLES aimed at, very roughl